Five Tips for Rocket League

Don't Underestimate the Handbrake

The handbrake is a tool I use as much as boost and jumping. It allows you to drift and whip your car around quickly to get into position, and it's helped me score a lot of unexpected goals. Get very familiar with it and use it to your advantage.

Don't Chase the Ball

Instinct will tell you to crash the ball anytime it comes near you. It happens, and sometimes instincts just take over. But if you're following a rotation, you should (very quickly, on the fly) assess who is in a better position to tackle the ball.

In many cases, you will find that it's your turn to drop back and defend. Even if it's not, dropping back to defend is generally the safer and better choice.

Even if you're properly rotating and you're going after the ball, your teammate may have a better angle. Rather than both crashing the ball (and it inevitably taking a weird bounce all the way downfield, back into your goal) back off and let the teammate with the better angle go for it. Often times, this will let them set up a better pass and maybe even earn you an easy goal. The art of "leaving the ball" is a valuable lesson to learn.

Pass Over Shoot

Building on the ball chasing point, you'll sometimes find yourself in a situation where you have a pretty clear shot at goal. The urge to "break their axles" with a sick goal will be strong. If the other team is back and defending, resist the urge to take a shot. They'll be ready and waiting for almost anything you can throw at them.

Instead, take the ball wide, to one wall or the other, and get creative there with a pass to one of your teammates. The chances of a weird bounce, passing the ball to where a defender can't get to it or doing something unexpected are much higher than bumbling an accidental goal in over a few defenders.

Find a Teammate

Whether you queue for ranked or casual matches, one of the best things you can do is find someone to play with. Not only will this lower the odds of one of you rage quitting when things get tough, you will learn to anticipate each other's moves much better than some random teammate. This alone will increase your odds of winning.

When queueing without a teammate, you risk getting paired with teammates who are still upset from their last loss, in a bad mood or who don't know how to rotate properly. And it doesn't just have to be one of those things. Everyone's play style is different, and being able to read your own teammate and expect their next move will go a long way toward your own improvement.

Conserve Precious Boost

Boost is a precious resource in Rocket League. Even though it regenerates quickly, you will often find yourself without any, struggling to get back and defend your goal.

Instead of using boost all the time, you can "lunge forward" by holding the joystick forward and double-pressing the jump button. If you do this a few times, you can reach the same top speed as you can with boost (you just can't sustain that speed as well or maneuver as quickly or easily).

Learn to use both effectively in different situations to reduce the number of times you get stuck without boost.

Stealing boost from opponents is also a good strategy, so long as you're not going out of your way or breaking rotation to do so.


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Nov 20, 2019